2021 luxint teaming-building event

2021 luxint teaming-building event.webp

Last Saturday (26 December), the team at LUX arrived for Fenghuang Mountain and spent whole day there to boost morale, drive team forward actively and also lay down the burdens every one carries on the work to enjoy the beauty of nature.

On arriving at our destination, the first thing is to divide all staff into different teams, in each of which teammates introduced themselves to enhance mutual understanding. Then began to pick vegetables. Everyone go to different vegetable zone to pick their likes.


Following that, it's time to make the cooking. Some in charge of washing the vegetables, some in charge of cut the meal. Of course, the chef is in charge of frying and cook. Everyone does their own job.

2021 luxint teaming-building event-1.webp


Time to lunch is up. Everyone wolfed down all the food after all morning prearation. As the old saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution. After lunch, we have the strength to finish activity in the afternoon.


All afternoon, we play a lot of games. Last but the best game is ''Life Circle''. All staff sat shoulder to shoulder in a round and griped the string tightly, then to make a circle with hands. The task is to count how many circles could we made. This string in our hand is just like LUX family, which gathers us together. If we loosen the string, then the circle is inexistent. And our task in work is just like the circles we made, seemingly hard-to-finish. However, if all of us gather all strength, the great enough goal will be finished.


At the end of this whole-day activity, while our teams may get strengthened both physically and mentally. It is expected that all staff in LUX will work in a more active mind to build and achieve bigger value in an efficient way to deliver better service and products for all customers worldwide.

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